The Cape of Good Hope
What is it and how does it affect me?
The Cape of Good hope has had other names over the years including the ominous Cabo das Tormentos (Cape of Storms).
This cape is not the tip of Africa, but a cape just up the coast on the western side of Africa where the headwaters of the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean converge and mix. It often times is treacherous resulting in rough seas and navigation issues to avoid a rocky coast.

The grounding of the Ever Given in the Suez Canal piled up well over 400 vessels in the week it blocked the canal. When driving our car, we often run into accidents or even flooding or construction. We simply look at our phone app to find an alternate route.
In order to restore schedules , several carriers are looking to the south. These vessels will make the journey around the cape in order to speed the process and restore order. The downfall is the weather and the additional 7ish days to “go around.” Waiting to see how this will unfold.